

SC 5

5np 20 Jun 64 Testudo graeca Incorrectly listed by Scott as a Green turtle.

SC 14

1.50r 7 Sep 64 Testudo graeca Incorrectly listed by Scott as a Green Turtle.

SC C 5

75np 15 Nov 65 Testudo graeca Incorrectly listed by Scott as a Green turtle.

SC O 5

1r 01 Dec 65 Testudo graeca Incorrectly listed by Scott as a Green Turtle.

MK 5 A

5np 1967 Testudo graeca This is Scott Ajman #5 w/ the "NP" on the original o/p "Dh." in black.

MK 15 A

1.50r 1967 Testudo graeca This is Scott Ajman #14 w/ the "R" on the original o/p "Riyals" in black.

MK 58 A

75np 1967 Testudo graeca This is Scott #C5 w/ the "NP" on the original o/p "Dh." in black.

MK 67 A

1r 1967 Testudo graeca This is Scott Ajman #O5 w/ the "R" on the original o/p "Riyal" in black.

MK 829

1r Oct 1971 Unidentified Tortoise Small tortoise in painting "Entering the Ark" by Jan Bruegel.

TS 2073

1.25r 1972 Trachemys scripta elegans Head-on photograph of immature specimen.

TS 2078

1.25r 1972 Trachemys scripta elegans s/s containing Ajman #TS 2073, plus second turtle of same species in border. Although sheet is inscribed "SEA ANIMALS", it depicts a freshwater turtle and a freshwater aquatic plant (Cabomba caroliniana).

1r 27 Apr 71 Unidentified Tortoise Small, imperf. s/s w/ pale blue background and ornate lavender border, w/ Minkus Ajman #829 in the center. Date is from FDC.