SC 190 | 36c 30 Sep 86 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle is on a beach w/ Santa Claus and reindeer. | |
SC 211 | $5 25 Mar 87 Chelonia mydas No date in margin of stamp (see #211a). | |
SC 211 a | $5 25 Mar 87 Chelonia mydas Mini sheet of 16 stamps containing one Scott Christmas Island #211. The turtle stamp from this sheet has a tiny "1988" inscribed in the bottom margin. | |
$5 25 Mar 87 Chelonia mydas Booklet cover containing SC 211a. | ||
SC 354 | 40c 02 Sep 93 Chelonia mydas Female returning to sea. | |
SC 409 | 80c 11 Sep 97 Unidentified Sea Turtle Small turtle w/ Santa Claus in sleigh pulled by sea birds. | |
SC 412 | Various 12 Mar 98 Chelonia mydas Pane of twenty stamps w/ turtle on one. Bottom margin of sheet inscribed "Christmas Island Marine Life". | |
SC 412 q | 45c 12 Mar 98 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Christmas Island 412. Two adult turtles swimming underwater. | |
SC 444 | 50c 31 Oct 03 Stylized Sea Turtle Santa Claus sitting on back of turtle giving gifts to crabs on beach and birds in tree. From two-value Christmas set. | |
SC 448 | Various 13 Jul 04 Chelonia mydas Pane of twenty se-tenant stamps depicting marine life. Inscribed "Christmas Island Underwater". Pane contains 10c, 25c, and 50c stamps. | |
SC 448 e | 10c 13 Jul 04 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ two turtles from Scott Christmas Island #448. | |
SC 497 | 55c 31 Oct 11 Cartoon Turtle Santa Claus and crab pulling Christmas cracker. Birds and sea turtle watch. Santa, crab, turtle and one bird are wearing crowns. This is one of the 2011 Christmas stamps from Christmas Island. It exists w/ "lick & stick" gum as well as w/ self adhesive gum. | |
SC 498 | $1.50 31 Oct 11 Cartoon Turtle Santa Claus wading ashore with snorkeling gear and being greeted by crabs, birds, fish and a partially submerged sea turtle. Stamp exists w/ water-activated gum and self-adhesive gum; also imperf. This is one of the 2011 Christmas stamps from Christmas Island. | |
SC 499 a | 55c 31 Oct 11 Cartoon Turtle Booklet pane of ten SC 497 55c Christmas stamps. The cover art is a detail from the 55c stamps inside. It shows the turtle, wearing a crown, observing Santa Claus and a crab pulling a Christmas cracker. A banner across the top of the cover is inscribed "Christmas Island Christmas". Issued as a flat sheet that can be folded into a simple booklet. | |
SC 500 a | $1.50 31 Oct 11 Cartoon Turtle Booklet pane of five SC 498 | |
SC 506 | .55 01 Nov 12 Cartoon turtle .55 stamp containing a sand sculpture of Santa Claus, frigatebirds, turtle and crabs. From 2012 Christmas issue. | |
SC 507 a | Various 01 Nov 12 Cartoon turtles S/S with 2 Christmas-themed stamps. The .55 stamp contains a cartoon turtle and there are two more in the selvedge. | |
SC 520 | 55¢ 01 Nov 13 Cartoon turtle Two cartoon stamps issued for Christmas, 2013. Flying turtle on the 55¢ value. | |
SC 521 a | 55¢ 01 Nov 13 Cartoon turtle M/S containing the same two stamps described above. Additional cartoon turtle in the selvedge. | |
SC 540 | $1.80 30 Oct 15 Cartoon turtle Christmas 2015 - snowman made of turtle and coconut | |
SC 540 a | $1.80 30 Oct 15 Cartoon turtle S/s with SC 539 and SC 540 | |
SC 541 | $1.80 30 Oct 15 Cartoon turtle Self-adhesive version of SC 540 | |
SC 541 a | $1.80 30 Oct 15 Cartoon turtle Booklet pane of 5 SC 541 | |
SC 553 a | Various 31 Oct 16 Cartoon turtle M/S of two Christmas stamps. Turtle in the selvedge. | |
SC 563 a | Various 1 Nov 17 Stylized turtle Turtle in selvedge on Christmas M/S | |
SC 575 a | Various 1 Nov 18 Stylized turtle Turtle in selvedge on Christmas M/S | |
SC 585 a | Various 1 Nov 19 Stylized turtle Turtle in selvedge on Christmas M/S | |
SC 611 - 614 | Various 10 Aug 21 Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 615- SC 618, SC 616 a | Various 1 Nov 21 Cartoon turtle Christmas issue, turtles on both stamps | |
SC 625 a | Various 1 Nov 22 Cartoon turtles Turtles in selvedge of Christmas M/S | |
SC 638, 638 b | $3 1 Nov 23 Cartoon turtle Christmas 2023. Turtle on the $3 stamp and in the selvedge of the M/s |