

SC 484

25c 22 Aug 68 Stone Turtle ? At the time of issue, the stone head on this stamp was referred to as a turtle. The Scott Catalog now identifies the stone head as Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec Serpent God. It has also been referred to as a "mythological reptile".

SC 1356

15c 15 Oct 98 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant sheetlet of twenty five 15c values, w/ turtle on one. Inscribed "International Year of the Ocean".

SC 1356 v

15c 15 Oct 98 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Liberia 1356.

SC 1357

20c 15 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Pane of sixteen 20c se-tenant stamps. International Year of the Ocean. Turtle confined primarily to one stamp.

SC 1357 m

20c 15 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Liberia 1357. Small part of turtle appears on adjacent stamp (1357n).

SC 1358

32c 15 Oct 98 Unidentified Sea Turtle Sheet w/ small turtle in upper selvedge. No turtles on stamps.

SC 1359

32c 15 Oct 98 Chelydra serpentina One of two different panes of nine se-tenant 32c stamps issued this date. The turtle, a fresh or brackish water species, is shown in a marine environment.

SC 1359 a

32c 15 Oct 98 Chelydra serpentina Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Liberia 1359.

$15 20 Dec 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Se-tenant sheetlet of ten $15 stamps w/ turtle on one. Turtle extends partly onto stamp below.

$15 20 Dec 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from sheetlet of ten.

$15 05 Sep 00 Terrapene carolina Pane 2, of three panes of eight se-tenant stamps each, issued this date. Scene from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame. Realistic animals on stamps, anthropomorphic animals in selvedge.

$15 05 Sep 00 Terrapene carolina Single stamp w/ turtle from "Wind in the Willows" sheet.

SC 2346

$50 26 Jan 05 Archelon sp. S/S of four different $50 stamps w/ Archelon on one and an additional turtle-like animal in margin. Selvedge inscribed "Prehistoric Animals - Exploration of the World Under the Sea".

SC 2346 b

$50 26 Jan 05 Archelon sp. Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Liberia #2346.

SC 2389

$45 17 Jan 06 Generalized Tortoises Se-tenant sheet of four $45 stamps w/ different animals on each. Pair of tortoises on one stamp. Pane inscribed "Animals of the Bible". Noah's Ark in upper right selvedge. This is pane 3 of three similar panes issued this date.

SC 2389 c

$45 17 Jan 06 Generalized Tortoises Single stamp w/ tortoises from Scott Liberia #2389. This is from pane 3 of three similar panes issued this date.

SC 2791

$180 16 Dec 11 Two Psammobates Species S/S w/ two se-tenant $180 stamps w/ a tortoise on each. Tortoises depicted are Psammobates tentorius and P. oculifera (misspelled "oculifer" on stamp). Ventral view of each species in sheet margin.

SC 2791 a

$180 16 Dec 11 Psammobates tentorius One individual facing left. From s/s of two stamps issued this date.

SC 2791 b

$180 16 Dec 11 Psammobates oculifera One individual facing right. From s/s of two stamps issued this date. Species name misspelled "oculifer" on stamp.

SC 3106

$100 28 Jan 16 Stigmochelys pardalis One stamp from sheet of 4

SC 3107

$100 28 Jan 16 Astrochelys radiata, Malacochersus tornien Two stamps from sheet of 6

SC 3326

Various 24 Apr 19 Centrochelys sulcata Set of five Reptiles of Africa. Turtle is on one.

SC 3356

$200  6 Jan 20  Chelonia mydas One stamp from sheet of 6

SC 3406

$300  26 Mar 20 Eretmochelys imbricata  One stamp from sheet of 4

SC 3409

$300  26 Mar 20  Various  Chelonoidis carbonaria, Chelonia mydas, Centrochelys sulcate, Stigmochelys pardalis.  Testudo hermanni in selvedge.

SC 3424

$600  26 Mar 20  Various Chelonia mydas, Testudo horsefieldii. Chelonoidis nigra in selvedge

SC 3514

$300  1 Feb 21  Trachemys scripta elegans, Chelonia mydas, Pelodiscus sinensis, Chrysemys picta

SC 3524

$1200  1 Feb 21  Chelonia mydas