

MK 3

Testudo graeca

MK 439

10dh 23 Apr 71 Platysternon megacephalum Two turtles in painting by Hokusai, entitled "Carp". This stamp is TS Manama #517 and is pictured in that catalog. It is MI #458. Date is from FDC.

3r 23 Apr 71 Platysternon megacephalum A large stamp w/ a marbled green background, having an imperforate Manama MK #439 in the center. Similar to a s/s, except that it has its own denomination (3 rials), while the MK #439 in the center of the sheet has its own denomination (10 Dh). Date is from FDC. A flown, registered cover (not an FDC) addressed to White Plains, NY is postmarked 27 May 1971 and is further postmarked on the back as having been received at White Plains on 19 Aug 1971