SC 735 | 5m 03 Mar 81 Caretta caretta | |
| SC 1131 | 500m 20 Aug 90 Eretmochelys imbricata |
SC 1221 | 500mtn 16 Aug 94 Caretta caretta Turtle facing up and to right. Philakorea 1994 logo in upper left corner. Stamp inscribed Lepidachelys (sic) olivacea but the turtle is actually Caretta caretta. | |
| SC 1354 | 3000mt 28 Apr 00 Archelon Sheet of nine 3000mt denom. stamps depicting extinct marine animals. Sheet also depicts Placochelys, a turtle "look-alike". Archelon is misspelled "Archelone" on stamp. |
| SC 1354 h | 3000mt 28 Apr 00 Archelon Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Mozambique #1354. Archelon is misspelled "Archelone" on stamp. |
| SC 1411 | 9,500mt 08 Aug 01 Dermochelys coriacea One of three panes of six 9,500mt stamps each, issued this date. Turtle on one stamp only. Pane inscribed "Fantastic Creatures of the Deep". |
SC 1411 e | 9,500mt 08 Aug 01 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Mozambique #1411. | |
SC 1765 | Various 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Sheet of six se-tenant stamps w/ a frog on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. Sheet is inscribed "Ras". | |
SC 1765 a | 8 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog of the genus Gastrotheca. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
| SC 1765 b | 8 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog from the genus Mantella. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
SC 1765 c | 8 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting Rana esculenta. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1765 d | 33 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting Litoria rubella. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1765 e | 33 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog of the family Dendrobatidae. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1765 f | 33 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog of the genus Pyxicephalus. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
| SC 1775 | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Sheet of six 20mtn se-tenant stamps w/ a venomous fish on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. Sheet is inscribed "Peixes Venenosos". |
SC 1775 a | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the family Scorpaenidae. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1775 b | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the family Balistidae (misspelled Balistodae on the stamp). Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1775 c | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the genus Antennarius. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1775 d | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the family Triglidae. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
| SC 1775 e | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the genus Hydrocynus. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1775 f | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the genus Lophius. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1776 | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Sheet of six 20mtn se-tenant stamps w/ a crustacean or a cephalopod on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. Sheet is inscribed "Crustacios" despite the fact that two of the stamps depict cephalopods, not crustaceans. |
| SC 1776 a | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting Birgus latrio. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1776 b | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting a crustacean of the genus Panulirus. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1776 c | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting Gecarcoidea natalis. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1776 d | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting the cephalopod Loligo opalescens. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1776 e | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting a crustacean of the genus Ocypode. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
SC 1776 f | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting a cephalopod of the genus Hapalochlaena. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
| SC 1777 | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Sheet of six 20mtn se-tenant stamps w/ a lizard on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. Sheet is inscribed "Lagartos". |
| SC 1777 a | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Varanus niloticus. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1777 b | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Chamaeleo jacksonii. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1777 c | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Varanus exanthematicus. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1777 d | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting a lizard of the genus Scincus. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1777 e | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting a lizard of the genus Brookesia. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
| SC 1777 f | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Furcifer pardalis. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
SC 1778 | 20.00m 10 Dec 07 5 Species of Sea Turtles Sheetlet of six stamps, each w/ a sea turtle swimming to the right and a map of Africa in the background. Tiny turtle on map. Scientific name of turtle appears on each stamp. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Tartarugas". | |
SC 1778 a | 20.00m 10 Dec 07 Natator depressus Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | |
| SC 1778 b | 20.00m 10 Dec 07 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. |
| SC 1778 c | 20.00m 10 Dec 07 Lepidochelys olivacea Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. Turtle w/ darker neck than turtle on Scott Mozambique #1778d. |
SC 1778 d | 20.00m 10 Dec 07 Lepidochelys olivacea Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. Turtle w/ lighter neck than turtle on Scott Mozambique #1778c. | |
SC 1778 e | 20.00m 10 Dec 07 Caretta caretta Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | |
SC 1778 f | 20.00m 10 Dec 07 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | |
SC 1779 | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Sheet of six 20 mtn se-tenant stamps w/ a snake on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. Sheet is inscribed "Cobras". | |
SC 1779 a | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Bitis nasicornis. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
| SC 1779 b | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Bitis gabonica. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
SC 1779 c | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Ophiophagus hannah. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1779 d | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Thelolornis kirtlandii. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1779 e | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Dendroaspis angusticeps. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1779 f | 20 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting a snake of the genus Antheris. Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1795 | 132 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle S/S w/ one stamp depicting a fish of the subfamily Thassophryninae. Additional fish in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Peixes Venenosos". Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1796 | 132 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle S/S w/ one stamp depicting Chauliodus, a deep sea fish. Crabs in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Faune Submarino". Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 1797 | 132 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle S/S w/ one stamp depicting Dendroaspis polylepis. Additional snakes in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Cobras". Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
| SC 1798 | 132 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle S/S w/ one stamp depicting a Pogona vitticeps. Additional lizards in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Lagartos". Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. |
SC 1800 | 132.00m 10 Dec 07 Four Species Of Turtles S/S of one stamp w/ Eretmochelys imbricata on stamp and four other turtles in margin, including a large Clemmys insculpta in lower right corner and an Eretmochelys imbricata in lower left corner. Tiny turtle on map of Africa in background of stamp. Sea turtle in lower left corner of sheet identified as E. imbricata by George Balazs. | |
SC 1801 | 132 mtn 10 Dec 07 Stylized Sea Turtle S/S w/ one stamp depicting Pyxicephalus adspersus. Additional frogs in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Ras". Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |
SC 2152 | Various 30 Nov 10 Unidentified turtle Sheet of 8 stamps one of which shows a sea turtle. Sheet titled Derrame de Crude em Alto-Mar | |
SC 2152 b | 16m 30 Nov 10 Unidentified turtle Single stamp with a sea turtle from SC 2152 | |
SC 2175 | Various 30 Jan 11 Six turtles Sheet of six turtles titled Tartaruga Ano Internacional das Florestas | |
| SC 2175 a | 16m 30 Jan 11 Trachemys scripta elegans Single stamp from SC 2175 |
| SC 2175 b | 16m 30 Jan 11 Geochelone sulcata Single stamp from SC 2175 |
| SC 2175 c | 16m 30 Jan 11 Malaclemys terrapin Single stamp from SC 2175 |
| SC 2175 d | 16m 30 Jan 11 Chelus fimbriatus Single stamp from SC 2175 |
SC 2175 e | 66m 30 Jan 11 Chelonoidis carbonaria Single stamp from SC 2175 | |
SC 2175 f | 66m 30 Jan 11 Terrepene carolina carolina Single stamp from SC 2175 | |
SC 2205 | 175m 30 Jan 11 Geochelone sulcata Sheet inscribed Tartaruga Ano Internacional das Florestas Sheet with one stamp | |
| SC 2369 | Various 30 Aug 11 Six turtles Sheet of six turtles titled Fauna de Mocambique -Tartarugas |
| SC 2369 a | 16m 30 Aug 11 Caretta caretta Single stamp from SC 2369 |
| SC 2369 b | 16m 30 Aug 11 Chelonia mydas Single stamp from SC 2369 |
| SC 2369 c | 16m 30 Aug 11 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp from SC 2369 |
| SC 2369 d | 16m 30 Aug 11 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from SC 2369 |
| SC 2369 e | 66m 30 Aug 11 Lepidochelys olivacea Single stamp from SC 2369 |
| SC 2369 f | 92m 30 Aug 11 Caretta caretta Single stamp from SC 2369 |
SC 2399 | 175m 30 Aug 11 Eretmochelys imbricata Sheet containing one stamp with Eretmochelys imbricata. Other turtles in selvedge including several Chelonia mydas, | |
| SC 2481 | 66m 30 Dec 11 Gopherus agassizii Sheet containing six stamps one of which is a Mojave desert tortoise. Sheet titled Cactos e repteis. |
| SC 2481 f | 66m 30 Dec 11 Gopherus agassizii Single stamp from SC 2481 |
SC 2509 | 175m 30 Dec 11 Unidentified tortoise Sheet containing one stamp with a tortoise in the selvedge. Sheet titled Cactos e repteis. | |
| SC 2609 | Various 30 Apr 12 Two turtles Sheet of six stamps, two of which contain turtles. Sheet titled Repteis em vias de extincao |
| SC 2609 a | 16m 30 Apr 12 Psammobates geometricus Single stamp from SC 2609 |
| SC 2609 d | 66m 30 Apr 12 Batagur borneoensis Single stamp from SC 2609. Identified incorrectly by Scott as Varanus komodoensis |
SC 2623 | 175m 30 Apr 12 Pseudemys rubriventris Sheet containing one stamp with a turtle on it as well as Geochelone gigantea in the selvedge. Sheet titled Repteis em vias de extincao. | |
| SC 2635 | Various 30 Apr 12 Eight turtles Sheet of eight turtles titled Tartarugas Em Vias De Extinção |
| SC 2635 a | 16m 30 Apr 12 Platysternon megacephalum Single stamp from SC 2635 |
| SC 2635 b | 16m 30 Apr 12 Batagur trivittata Single stamp from SC 2635 |
| SC 2635 c | 16m 30 Apr 12 Pelochelys cantorii Single stamp from SC 2635 |
| SC 2635 d | 16m 30 Apr 12 Psammobates geometricus Single stamp from SC 2635 |
| SC 2635 e | 16m 30 Apr 12 Caretta caretta Single stamp from SC 2635 |
| SC 2635 f | 16m 30 Apr 12 Mauremys sinensis Single stamp from SC 2635 |
| SC 2635 g | 92m 30 Apr 12 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp from SC 2635 |
| SC 2635 h | 92m 30 Apr 12 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from SC 2635 |
SC 2643 | 175m 30 Apr 12 Chelonia mydas Sheet containing one stamp with Chelonia mydas, Other turtles in selvedge identified as Pseudemydura umbrina and Dermatemys mawii | |
SC 2669 | Various Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii 30 Sep 12 Sheet of six images of Pinta Island tortoise called Lonesome George | |
| SC 2669 a | 16m 30 Sep 12 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii Single stamp from SC 2669 |
| SC 2669 b | 66m 30 Sep 12 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii Single stamp from SC 2669 |
| SC 2669 c | 16m 30 Sep 12 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii Single stamp from SC 2669 |
| SC 2669 d | 66m 30 Sep 12 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii Single stamp from SC 2669 |
| SC 2669 e | 16m 30 Sep 12 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii Single stamp from SC 2669 |
| SC 2669 f | 66m 30 Sep 12 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii Single stamp from SC 2669 |
SC 2699 | 175m 30 Sep 12 Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii Sheet containing one stamp with Pinta Island tortoise called Lonesome George | |
| SC 2734 | Various 30 Oct 12 Chelonia mydas M/S titled Expo 2012, green turtle in the selvedge |
SC 2913 | Various 25 Jun 13 Various M/S of four stamps with four turtles on stamps, labelled as 2913 a 16m Emys trinacris, 2913 b 16m Indotestudo elongata, 2913 c 92m Heosemys depressa and 2913 d 92m Batagur trivittata | |
| SC 2943 | 175m 25 Jun 13 Various M/S of one stamp with three turtles/tortoises on stamp and in selvedge, labelled as Chelonia mydas, Geoclemys hamiltonii and Aldabrachelys gigantea. |