SC 2456 | 700l 16 Nov 89 Caretta caretta | |
SC 2457 | 1000l 16 Nov 89 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 2457 a | See * 16 Nov 89 C. caretta & C. mydas Mini sheet containing Turkey #2456 and Turkey #2457. * Denominations of the turtle stamps are 700l and 1000l. | |
SC 2694 | Various 18 Apr 98 Unidentified Sea Turtle Sheetlet of four stamps issued for International Year of the Oceans. Turtle on one stamp only. | |
SC 2694 a | 50,000l 18 Apr 98 Unidentified Sea Turtle Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Turkey 2694. | |
SC 3306 | 2l 09 May 12 Unidentified Sea Turtle Whirling dervishes, sea turtle, tourist attractions from Europa set of 2 | |
SC 3348 | 1.10l 10 Jun 13 Caretta caretta S/s of 4 stamps, two turtles in the selvedge. Stamps issued for the 17th Mediterranean games. | |
5l 10 Jun 13 Chelonia mydas 3D stamp issued for the 17th Mediterranean games. Footnoted by Scott. | ||
SC 3713 | 5l 12 May 20 Caretta caretta One stamp from set of 6 definitives. | |
SC 3803 | 5l 5 Jun 22 Cartoon turtles issued for World Environment Day | |
SC O 318 | 15K 18 June 14 Chelonia mydas Block of four stamps titled Our Cultural Assets. Turtle on one stamp. |