

SC 2456

700l 16 Nov 89 Caretta caretta

SC 2457

1000l 16 Nov 89 Chelonia mydas

SC 2457 a

See * 16 Nov 89 C. caretta & C. mydas Mini sheet containing Turkey #2456 and Turkey #2457. * Denominations of the turtle stamps are 700l and 1000l.

SC 2694

Various 18 Apr 98 Unidentified Sea Turtle Sheetlet of four stamps issued for International Year of the Oceans. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 2694 a

50,000l 18 Apr 98 Unidentified Sea Turtle Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Turkey 2694.

SC 3306

2l 09 May 12 Unidentified Sea Turtle Whirling dervishes, sea turtle, tourist attractions from Europa set of 2

SC 3348

1.10l 10 Jun 13 Caretta caretta S/s of 4 stamps, two turtles in the selvedge. Stamps issued for the 17th Mediterranean games.

5l 10 Jun 13 Chelonia mydas 3D stamp issued for the 17th Mediterranean games. Footnoted by Scott.

SC 3713

5l  12 May 20 Caretta caretta One stamp from set of 6 definitives.

SC 3803

5l  5 Jun 22  Cartoon turtles issued for World Environment Day

SC O 318

15K 18 June 14 Chelonia mydas Block of four stamps titled Our Cultural Assets. Turtle on one stamp.