Comoros, The


SC 65

20fr 20 Dec 65 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 243

50fr 14 Apr 77 Geochelone gigantea

50fr 14 Apr 77 Geochelone gigantea s/s w/ Scott Comoro Islands #243 on it and other animals in background.

SC 829

200f 10 Aug 98 Dermochelys coriacea Sheet of twelve 200f values. Turtle on one stamp only. Inscribed "La Vie Marine du Monde".

SC 829 k

200f 10 Aug 98 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Comoro Islands 829.

SC 859

150fr 25 Jan 99 Three Species of Turtles Pane of eight se-tenant 150fr stamps depicting three species of chelonians.

SC 859 d

150fr 25 Jan 99 Lepidochelys kempii Single stamp from Scott Comoro Is. 859.

SC 859 g

150fr 25 Jan 99 Macroclemys temminckii Single stamp from Scott Comoro Is. 859. Identified on stamp as Chelydra serpentina.

SC 859 h

150fr 25 Jan 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from Scott Comoro Is. 859.

SC C 216

10fr 20 Apr 95 Caretta caretta Adult on beach facing right. Light blue margin.

SC C 217

25fr 20 Apr 95 Caretta caretta Adult on beach facing right. Peach colored margin.

SC C 218

30fr 20 Apr 95 Caretta caretta Adult on beach facing right. Yellow-green margin.

SC C 219

50fr 20 Apr 95 Caretta caretta Adult on beach facing right. Lavender margin.

150 kmf 13 Oct 14 Chelonia mydas Stamp labelled La Tortue Verte. Same stamp was issued by six countries.