Norfolk Island


SC 658

$1.20 05 May 98 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S w/ one stamp depicting a shark. Small turtle in selvedge of sheet. Issue date has also been reported as 29 Jun 98.

SC 708

Various 19 Jun 00 Carved Wooden Turtle Sheetlet w/ four stamps in a horiz. row. Issued for Eighth Festival of Pacific Arts 2000 in New Caledonia. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 708 a

75c 19 Jun 00 Carved Wooden Turtle Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Norfolk Is. 708.

SC 860

50c 25 Oct 05 Stylized Turtle Design Beach w/ surf is main design feature. Highly stylized sea turtle and flower near left margin. Inscribed "Anson Bay" along right margin. From a set of three Christmas stamps issued for Christmas 2005.

SC 968

15c 16 Feb 09 Stylized Sea Turtle Individual stamp w/ turtle from booklet issued this date. Turtle is made of mosaic tiles.

SC 969 a

15c 16 Feb 09 Stylized Sea Turtle Booklet pane w/ twelve 15c stamps of two designs; six turtles and six starfish. Turtle is made of mosaic tiles.

Booklet cover of booklet containing SC 969a showing turtle made of mosaic tiles.

SC 983

55c 04 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Identical in every way to stamp issued this date w/ "Australia" in upper right corner except on this stamp the word "Australia" is replaced with "Norfolk Island".

SC 983 a

55c 04 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Horizontal strip of five stamps, including Scott Norfolk Islands #983.

SC 984

55c 04 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Sheet of five stamps, including Scott Norfolk Island #983. This sheet is identical to Scott Australia #3131.

SC 1103

1.70 03 Nov 14 Turtle silhouettes Fabric design shows turtle silhouettes.