

SC 1203

50y 25 Mar 76 Geoemyda spengleri Sub-species is "japonica" according to inscription on stamp....

SC 1204

20y 28 Jan 75 Unidentified Sea Turtle Man Releasing Turtle.

SC 1507

70y 23 Aug 82 Tortoise Symbol This is not a stylized tortoise, it is a symbol that represents a tortoise. This stamp was designed for use on greeting cards. Similar to Scott Japan #1839 and 2230.

SC 1743

60y 17 Jul 87 Gold Turtle Sculpture Golden lamp w/ turtle base. A stamp of the National Treasures Series.

SC 1839

72y 10 Aug 89 Tortoise Symbol This is not a stylized tortoise, it is a symbol that represents a tortoise. Similar to Scott Japan 1507 and 2230. Designed for use on greeting cards.

SC 2230

90y 10 Mar 94 Tortoise Symbol This is not a stylized tortoise, it is a symbol that represents a tortoise. Intended for use on greeting cards. Similar to Scott Japan #1507 and 1839.

SC 2515

80y 21 Mar 96 Highly Stylized Turtle Geometric representation of turtle. Carapace is a series of concentric hexagons. Issued in honor of senior citizens.

80y 21 Mar 96 Highly Stylized Turtle Sheetlet of five Scott Japan 2515 w/ extensive Japanese writing occupying the space where the 6th stamp would be. Issued in honor of senior citizens.Footnoted by Scott under #2515.

SC 2541

90y 07 Oct 96 Unidentified Chelonian Painting of landscape and waterwheel. Extremely tiny turtle in lower left corner of stamp, directly over the letter "L" in the word International. Part of a set of six issued for International Letter Writing Week.

SC 2686

80y 23 Jul 99 Cartoon Turtles Sheet of ten 80y stamps w/ four colorful cartoon turtles in selvedge. Sheet inscribed "Letter Writing Day" in English. No turtles on stamps.

SC 2686 k

Various 22 Jul 99 Cartoon Turtles Booklet containing Scott 2682-2685 (2 each) + 2686c, 2686g, & 2686i. Two cartoon turtles on back cover. No turtles on stamps inside booklet. Front cover inscribed "Letter Writing Day"'

SC 2686 l

Various 1999 Cartoon Turtles Small sheet of two stamps (80y and 50y) w/ two small cartoon tortoises in lower left selvedge of sheet. Sheet inscribed "Letter Writing Day" in English.

SC 2851

80y 10 Feb 03 Stylized Turtles "Greetings" pane of five stamps plus five labels w/ turtle on one stamp. Additional stylized turtle on small, circular label near bottom of sheet.

SC 2851 e

80y 10 Feb 03 Stylized Turtle Single stamp w/ cranes and turtle from Scott Japan #2851. This stamp represents longevity.

Various 2003 Stylized Sea Turtle S/S consisting of what appears to be two different Greetings Sheets combined on a single, larger sheet. One Greetings sheet consists of nine stamps plus a label and the other consists of ten stamps. Margin of s/s inscribed "JAPEX "03" and "The 38th Japan Philatelic Exposition, 2003. 10,31 - 11,3". Stamp w/ stylized sea turtle in top right corner of upper Greetings Sheet is identical to Scott Japan #2851e. It has a turtle and a crane and is denominated 80y.

SC 2919

Various 23 Jun 05 Cartoon "Pokemon" Turtle Sheet of ten (two vertical strips of five each) stamps depicting Pokemon characters. The Scott number (2919) actually refers to one vertical strip which does not have a turtle. The sheet of two vertical strips has the Pokemon character "Squirtle" in the left margin. Scott footnotes the sheet of ten.

SC 2919 Hj

Various 23 Jun 05 Cartoon "Pokemon" Turtle Booklet pane from booklet of various stamps plus eight pre-stamped postal cards. Pokemon character "Squirtle" on booklet cover. No turtles on stamps or postal cards inside of booklet. Turtle on cover only. The Scott number (2919Hj) refers to the booklet pane only, The complete booklet with the cover, including the turtle is footnoted.

SC 3050

80y 01 Aug 08 Unident. Freshwater Turt. Sheet of ten 80y stamps, all w/ different paintings from the Ukiyoe-Edo period. One stamp depicts a turtle suspended by a cord, looking out of a window at sailing ships on a body of water and a bridge.

SC 3050 c

80y 01 Aug 08 Unident. Freshwater Turt. Painting of turtle suspended by a cord, looking out of a window at sailing ships on a body of water and a bridge. Painting titled "Mannen Bridge, Fukagawa" by Hiroshige. From a sheet of ten stamps w/ paintings from the Ukiyoe-Edo period.

SC 3266

80y 18 Oct 10 Tiny Turtle on Logo S/S sheet of ten stamps issued for the Tenth Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Divesity in Nagoya. No turtles on stamps but there is a tiny origami turtle on a circular logo in the upper left margin of the sheet.

SC 3354

80y 23 Aug 11 Chelonia mydas One individual swimming right and down. Stamp from set of five or from sheet of ten.

SC 3355 a

80y 23 Aug 11 Chelonia mydas Strip of five stamps, one each of five different designs. One design depicts a green sea turtle (SC 3354). Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Harmony with Nature Series No. 1". The full sheet of ten is foot-noted by Scott but no number is assigned to it.

SC 3605

80 y 23 Oct 13 Geochelone nigra Second Overseas World Heritage series, individual stamp for the Galapagos featuring the giant tortoise.

SC 3609 a

80 y 23 Oct 13 Geochelone nigra Second Overseas World Heritage series, including a stamp for the Galapagos featuring the giant tortoise. Strip of 5.

SC 3644 c

50y 16 Jan 14 Cartoon turtle Girl with broom, squirrel and turtle. Sheet of ten with two each of five stamps

SC 3683

82y 15 May 14 Cuora Flavomarginata Evelynae Yellow-margined box turtle on one stamp. Also SC 3683 a Vertical strip of five stamps including SC 3683

SC 3735 a

52y 19 Sep 14 Geochelone platynota Heartwarming Animal Scenes. Burmese star tortoise on one stamp. Available in sheet of 10 with two each of five stamps.

Various 30 Oct 14 Cartoon turtle M/S containing New Year's stamps issued for Year of the Sheep. Turtle in selvedge. Stamps are SC 3756 and SC 3757. M/s not listed by Scott.

SC 3828

82y 2 Jun 15 Caretta caretta Tokushima prefecture stamp titled Sea turtle on Ohama Beach. Issued as a sheet and a set.

SC 3854, SC 3859 a

82y 23 Jul 15 Cartoon turtle Cranes, turtle and flowers from set of 20 issued for Letter Writing Day. (SC 3859 a - pane of 10 stamps.)

SC 3923

52y 4 Sep 15 Cartoon turtle Sheet of 10 Happy Greetings stamps. Small turtle on one stamp.

SC 4027b

52y 26 Aug 16 Cartoon turtle One stamp with crane and turtle from set of 3 Happy Greetings stamps.

SC 4214

82y 26 Jun 18 Stylized turtle Sheet of 10 issued for anniversary of Return of Ogasawara. Tiny turtle in top left margin

SC 4220

62y 27 Jul 18 Stylized turtle Sheet of 10 animals. Turtle on one stamp.

SC 4277

82y 22 Feb 19 Muarenys japonica 30th anniversary of coronation of Emperor Akhito. Stamp shows design on a kimono worn by the young emperor.

SC 4339

63y 2 Oct 19 Stylized turtle Japanese Tradition and Culture Series 2. Small turtle on stamp second from right in bottom row.

SC 4352

84y 23 Oct 19 Stylized turtle Gifts from the Forest Series 3. Small turtle on bottom right stamp

SC 4361

10 June 20 84y 28 Nov 19 Cartoon turtle Guri and Gura m/s. Tiny turtle in selvedge.

SC 4375 e

84y 07 Feb 20 Chelonia mydas M/s of Miyakojima Tourist Sites

SC 4404

84y 10 June 20 Cuora flavomarginata One stamp from m/s of 10 stamps of flora and fauna of Iriomote Island

SC 4471 b

84y  18 Jan 21  Stylized turtle  Lunar New Year s/s

SC 4517 e

84y  7 Jul 21  Caroon turtle  Small cartoon turtle on stamp in top right on Pokemon-themed sheet of 10 stamps

SC 4607

84y  10 Aug 22  Cuora flavomarginata  One stamp from World Heritage sheet of 10 stamps

SC 4626

84 y  1 Nov 22  Stylized turtle  Stamp issued for Year of the Rabbit

SC 4677 f

84y  28 Jun 23  Chelonia mydas  Set of 10 stamps - Sea Life: Sardines. Turtle on one stamp.

SC Z 113

62y 23 Oct 91 Cartoon Tortoise From Tortoise and Hare fable.

SC Z 113 a

62y 23 Oct 91 Cartoon Tortoise Booklet containing ten Scott Japan Z 113. Picture on booklet cover is identical to that on stamps inside.

62y 1991? Cartoon Turtle Booklet containing ten Scott Japan Z 113. Picture on booklet cover is different from that on stamps inside, in that on the cover the hare is sitting up.

SC Z 652

80y 05 Nov 04 Stone Turtle Sheet of twenty se-tenant 80y stamps. One depicts a large stone turtle in front of a temple. All stamps on sheet depict temples.

SC Z 652 j

80y 05 Nov 04 Stone Turtle Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Japan #Z652. Temple depicted is Kongoufukuji (Temple #38).

80y+10y 2003 Stylized Turtle Vertical s/s w/ two vertical columns of five stamps each, down left side of sheet. Stamps in one column are SC B53, in the other column are SC B54. Turtle in upper right corner on margin of sheet, encircled by a snake. Scott does not list the entire sheet but they do list any two horizontal se-tenant pairs from the sheet as B54a.

FU 711

450y 01 Apr 64 Mauremys japonica This is a Japanese National Pension (Annuity) Revenue Stamp. It is connected w/ a program similar to Social Security in the U.S. This is the larger of two similar stamps.

FU 712

450y 26 Dec 74 Mauremys japonica This is a Japanese National Pension (Annuity) Revenue Stamp. It is connected w/ a program similar to Social Security in the U.S. This is the smaller of two similar stamps.

60y 1991? Stylized Freshwater Turt. Inland letter sheet w/ imprinted 60y stamp. Stylized turtle in pastel colors in lower right corner has a flower in its mouth and stylized filamentous algae flowing from the rear of its carapace. Cancellation date on one such sheet is "9.6.20". It is unknown how this date relates to the Gregorian calendar.

Unknown turtle Postal stationery with drawing of a turtle near bottom

20y Postal stationery with stylized turtle image on both stamp and postmark

40y Postal stationery with cartoon turtle near bottom