SC 957 | 10q 10 Aug 66 Testudo graeca | |
SC 959 | 25q 10 Aug 66 Emys orbicularis | |
SC 2490 | 2 leke 20 Aug 95 Small Stylized Turtle Contains many stylized animals from fables. In honor of Jean de La Fontaine. | |
SC 2493 | 60 leke 20 Aug 95 Small Stylized Turtle Large stamp similar to a small s/s. In honor of Jean de La Fontaine. | |
SC 2695 | 50 leke 12 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Sheet of six se-tenent stamps forming an undersea and above-sea panorama. Turtle on beach in upper left stamp. Sheet inscribed "The Mediterranean Sea Fauna". | |
SC 2695 a | 50 leke 12 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Albania #2695. Adult on beach facing right. | |
SC 2783 | 40 lek 2006 Small Stylized Turtle Scott Albania #2490 surcharged to 40 lek. Original denomination of 2 lek was obliterated w/ a black rectangle. | |
SC 2943 | Various 6 Nov 13 Caretta caretta Horizontal pair of stamps issued for the Mediterranean Games. Turtle in the Games logo. | |
SC 2944 | 200 lek 6 Nov 13 Caretta caretta S/S issued for the Mediterranean Games. Turtle in the Games logo. | |
SC 2958 | 80 leke 22 Nov 14 Caretta caretta Set of two Albanian fauna |