

SC 957

10q 10 Aug 66 Testudo graeca

SC 959

25q 10 Aug 66 Emys orbicularis

SC 2490

2 leke 20 Aug 95 Small Stylized Turtle Contains many stylized animals from fables. In honor of Jean de La Fontaine.

SC 2493

60 leke 20 Aug 95 Small Stylized Turtle Large stamp similar to a small s/s. In honor of Jean de La Fontaine.

SC 2695

50 leke 12 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Sheet of six se-tenent stamps forming an undersea and above-sea panorama. Turtle on beach in upper left stamp. Sheet inscribed "The Mediterranean Sea Fauna".

SC 2695 a

50 leke 12 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Albania #2695. Adult on beach facing right.

SC 2783

40 lek 2006 Small Stylized Turtle Scott Albania #2490 surcharged to 40 lek. Original denomination of 2 lek was obliterated w/ a black rectangle.

SC 2943

Various 6 Nov 13 Caretta caretta Horizontal pair of stamps issued for the Mediterranean Games. Turtle in the Games logo.

SC 2944

200 lek 6 Nov 13 Caretta caretta S/S issued for the Mediterranean Games. Turtle in the Games logo.

SC 2958

80 leke 22 Nov 14 Caretta caretta Set of two Albanian fauna