Cocos (Keeling) Islands


SC 290

10c 17 Feb 94 Chelonia mydas 10c strip of five (290 a - e).

SC 290 a

10c 17 Feb 94 Chelonia mydas Hatchlings and eggs at water's edge.

SC 290 b

10c 17 Feb 94 Chelonia mydas Hatchling and larger turtle swimming underwater.

SC 290 c

10c 17 Feb 94 Chelonia mydas Nine hatchlings swimming underwater.

SC 290 d

10c 17 Feb 94 Chelonia mydas One hatchling swimming underwater.

SC 290 e

10c 17 Feb 94 Chelonia mydas Ventral view of adult.

SC 292 f

10c 17 Feb 94 Chelonia mydas Sheet of twenty stamps, five of which depict different views of Chelonia mydas. All five turtle stamps are 10c denom., but other stamps on the sheet have other denoms.

SC 331

Various 17 Jun 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Pane of twenty stamps w/ two turtles on one of them. Inscribed "Cocos Living Mosaic".

SC 331 l

5c 17 Jun 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ two turtles from Scott Cocos Islands 331.

SC 336

45c 01 Oct 02 Four Species, Sea Turtles Block of four different species of sea turtles. Caretta caretta, Eretmochelys imbricata, Dermochelys coriacea and Chelonia mydas.

SC 336 a

45c 01 Oct 02 Caretta caretta Adult swimming right. No white selvedge; design goes all the way to perfs.

SC 336 b

45c 01 Oct 02 Eretmochelys imbricata Adult swimming left and slightly upward. No white selvedge; design goes all the way to perfs.

SC 336 c

45c 01 Oct 02 Dermochelys coriacea Adult swimming right and downward. No white selvedge; design goes all the way to perfs.

SC 336 d

45c 01 Oct 02 Chelonia mydas Adult emerging from water onto beach. No white selvedge; design goes all the way to perfs.

SC 344

Various 13 Jun 06 Chelonia mydas Sheetlet of twenty se-tenant stamps, each depicting a bird, fish or turtle of the coral reefs. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 344 m

25c 13 Jun 06 Chelonia mydas Adult swimming up and right. Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Cocos (Keeling) Islands #344.

SC 367

5¢ 4 Jun 13 Chelonia Mydas Individual stamp from set of five issued for 5o Years of Stamps. Also issued as a S/S.

SC 371 a

Various 4 Jun 13 Chelonia Mydas S/S issued for 5o Years of Stamps. Contains the stamp with the Green Turtle.

55c 04 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming up and left. Inscribed "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" vertically along lower left margin and "Australia" in upper right corner. * This stamp is identical to Australia Scott #3130 but is listed only under "Australia" in the Scott Catalog.