Cape Verde


SC 569

50c 17 May 90 Chelonia mydas Head of turtle only.

SC 570

1e 17 May 90 Dermochelys coriacea Head of turtle only.

SC 571

5e 17 May 90 Lepidochelys olivacea Head of turtle only.

SC 572

10e 17 May 90 Caretta caretta Head of turtle only.

SC 573

42e 17 May 90 Eretmochelys imbricata Head of turtle only.

SC 594

10e 23 Apr 91 Unidentified Sea Turtle Stamp shows fisherman butchering an unidentified sea turtle.

SC 783

10e 09 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Adults mating in water. Inscribed "Fauna maritima - tartaruga IIa edicao".

SC 784

20e 09 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Female depositing eggs in nest. Inscribed "Fauna maritima - tartaruga IIa edicao".

SC 785

30e 09 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Two hatchlings emerging from nest. Inscribed "Fauna maritima - tartaruga IIa edicao".

SC 786

60e 09 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Five hatchlings crossing beach towards surf. Inscribed "Fauna maritima - tartaruga IIa edicao".

SC 787

100e 09 Sep 02 Caretta caretta Adult swimming left underwater, w/ fish. Inscribed "Fauna maritima - tartaruga IIa edicao".

SC 788

100e 09 Sep 02 Caretta caretta S/S w/ one stamp. Adult on beach facing right. Inscribed "Fauna maritima - tartaruga IIa edicao".

SC 1022, SC 1023, SC 1024

40e, 60e, 150e 13 Jun 19 Cartoon turtle Turtle mascot - African Beach Games