

SC 804

15c 14 Sep 92 Mauremys caspica

SC 934

30c 06 May 99 Unidentified Sea Turtles Two Turtles on beach. Inscribed "Europa 99".

Various 06 May 99 Unidentified Sea Turtles Booklet containing four Scott Cyprus 933 and four Scott Cyprus 934 - booklet cover.

SC 934 a

Various 06 May 99 Unidentified Sea Turtles Booklet containing four Scott Cyprus 933 and four Scott Cyprus 934 - booklet page.

SC 1158

0.34eu 05 Oct 11 Cartoon Tortoise Horizontal sheet of five self adhesive stamps that can be folded into a simple booklet. The sheet depicts three scenes from The Tortoise and The Hare fable. Tortoise on three of the five stamps.

Booklet cover from SC 1158

SC 1158 b

0.34eu 05 Oct 11 Cartoon Tortoise Tortoise, standing erect, pointing w/ right "hand". From Scott Cyprus 1158.

SC 1158 c

0.34eu 05 Oct 11 Cartoon Tortoise Hare sleeping against a tree in foreground, tortoise passing hare in background. From Scott Cyprus 1158.

SC 1158 e

0.34eu 05 Oct 11 Cartoon Tortoise Victorious tortoise crossing the finish line w/ winner's ribbon on plastron. From Scott Cyprus 1158.

SC 1359

.34€  8 Jul 2021  Eretmochelys  imbricata misidentified as Caretta caretta.
Natura 2000 Posidonia Oceanica Protected Area