Gambia, The


SC 539

75b 27 Nov 84 Caretta caretta Adult swimming to right. Small picture of man's head in upper right corner.

SC 1111

20d 28 Aug 91 Cartoon Turtle Disney s/s w/ three cartoon turtles in border. One turtle's head extends onto stamp. Sheet inscribed "The Beginning of the Armadillos". Mickey Mouse on stamp.

SC 1606

3dal Dec 1994 Archelon sp. Pane of twelve se-tenant stamps, each depicting a different prehistoric animal. Scott lists date as "1995", Linn's lists date as Dec. 94.

SC 1606 l

3dal Dec 1994 Archelon sp. One of a pane of twelve se-tenant stamps. Scott lists date as "1995", Linn's lists date as Dec 94.

SC 1623

3dal 20 Jun 95 Dermochelys coriacea Pane of twelve se-tenant stamps inscribed "The Gambia Marine Life" in the margin. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 1623 a

3dal 20 Jun 95 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 1623.

SC 1741

4d 15 Apr 96 Pelusios adansonii Sheetlet of nine stamps inscribed "Wildlife of Africa". Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 1741 i

4d 15 Apr 96 Pelusios adansonii Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 1741. Turtle basking on a log.

SC 1864

10d 28 Jan 97 Cartoon Turtle Mickey Mouse being carried in mouth of giant chelonian. s/s inscribed "The Intelligent Tortoise gives a ride to the Master San Tang.

SC 1864 a

10d Cartoon Turtle Scott Gambia #1864 w/ Happy Birthday Emblem o/p in lower left corner in black.

SC 1870

1.50d 24 Feb 97 Dermochelys coriacea Endangered Species of the World - s/s I. Sheetlet of twenty different stamps. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 1870 c

1.50d 24 Feb 97 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 1870.

SC 1871

1.50d 24 Feb 97 Geochelone chilensis Endangered Species of the World - s/s II. Sheetlet of twenty different stamps. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 1871 p

1.50d 24 Feb 97 Geochelone chilensis Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Gambia 1871.

SC 2161

3d 01 Aug 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Sheetlet of twelve 3d values w/ turtle on one. Sheet inscribed "Sea Creatures".

SC 2161 c

3d 01 Aug 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 2161.

SC 2164

1.50d 01 Aug 99 Chelonia mydas agassizi Sheet of forty se-tenant stamps w/ a turtle on one. Inscribed "Ocean World of the Galapagos Islands".

SC 2164 l

1.50d 01 Aug 99 Chelonia mydas agassizi Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 2164.

SC 2195

7dal 18 Feb 00 Geochelone radiata Pane of six se-tenant stamps inscribed "Wildlife of the African Bushveld". Tortoise on one. This is one of three similar panes of six, issued on 18 Feb 00.

SC 2195 d

7dal 18 Feb 00 Geochelone radiata Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Gambia 2195. Genus name is misspelled "Geochlune" on stamp.

SC 2942

25dal 04 Apr 05 Dermochelys coriacea Pane of four 25 dal stamps w/ a coastal plant or animal on each. Inscribed "The Living World of Africa, Along the Shoreline".

SC 2942 b

25dal 04 Apr 05 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia #2942.

SC 3010

25d 24 Jan 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Sheet w/ four reptile and amphibian stamps drawn by children. Turtle on one. Inscribed "Kids-Did-It! Designs".

SC 3010 b

25d 24 Jan 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia #3010. Art work entitled "Sea Turtle" by Tyler Overton,, age 10.

SC 3207

25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtles Pane of four stamps, each depicting one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

SC 3207 a

25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Raphael.

SC 3207 b

25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Leonardo.

SC 3207 c

25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Michelangelo.

SC 3207 d

25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Donatello.

SC 3483

D35 20 Feb 13 Various M/S titled Turtles containing African spurred tortoise, Aldabra giant tortoise, Leopard tortoise, Radiated tortoise

SC 3484

D110 20 Feb 13 Pelomedusa subrufa M/S titled Turtles containing an African helmeted turtle

SC 3744

D85 7 Jun 17 Glyptemys muhlenbergii One stamp in National Geographic set of 4 stamps.