SC 539 | 75b 27 Nov 84 Caretta caretta Adult swimming to right. Small picture of man's head in upper right corner. | |
SC 1111 | 20d 28 Aug 91 Cartoon Turtle Disney s/s w/ three cartoon turtles in border. One turtle's head extends onto stamp. Sheet inscribed "The Beginning of the Armadillos". Mickey Mouse on stamp. | |
SC 1606 | 3dal Dec 1994 Archelon sp. Pane of twelve se-tenant stamps, each depicting a different prehistoric animal. Scott lists date as "1995", Linn's lists date as Dec. 94. | |
SC 1606 l | 3dal Dec 1994 Archelon sp. One of a pane of twelve se-tenant stamps. Scott lists date as "1995", Linn's lists date as Dec 94. | |
SC 1623 | 3dal 20 Jun 95 Dermochelys coriacea Pane of twelve se-tenant stamps inscribed "The Gambia Marine Life" in the margin. Turtle on one stamp only. | |
SC 1623 a | 3dal 20 Jun 95 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 1623. | |
SC 1741 | 4d 15 Apr 96 Pelusios adansonii Sheetlet of nine stamps inscribed "Wildlife of Africa". Turtle on one stamp only. | |
SC 1741 i | 4d 15 Apr 96 Pelusios adansonii Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 1741. Turtle basking on a log. | |
SC 1864 | 10d 28 Jan 97 Cartoon Turtle Mickey Mouse being carried in mouth of giant chelonian. s/s inscribed "The Intelligent Tortoise gives a ride to the Master San Tang. | |
SC 1864 a | 10d Cartoon Turtle Scott Gambia #1864 w/ Happy Birthday Emblem o/p in lower left corner in black. | |
SC 1870 | 1.50d 24 Feb 97 Dermochelys coriacea Endangered Species of the World - s/s I. Sheetlet of twenty different stamps. Turtle on one stamp only. | |
SC 1870 c | 1.50d 24 Feb 97 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 1870. | |
SC 1871 | 1.50d 24 Feb 97 Geochelone chilensis Endangered Species of the World - s/s II. Sheetlet of twenty different stamps. Turtle on one stamp only. | |
SC 1871 p | 1.50d 24 Feb 97 Geochelone chilensis Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Gambia 1871. | |
SC 2161 | 3d 01 Aug 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Sheetlet of twelve 3d values w/ turtle on one. Sheet inscribed "Sea Creatures". | |
SC 2161 c | 3d 01 Aug 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 2161. | |
SC 2164 | 1.50d 01 Aug 99 Chelonia mydas agassizi Sheet of forty se-tenant stamps w/ a turtle on one. Inscribed "Ocean World of the Galapagos Islands". | |
SC 2164 l | 1.50d 01 Aug 99 Chelonia mydas agassizi Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia 2164. | |
SC 2195 | 7dal 18 Feb 00 Geochelone radiata Pane of six se-tenant stamps inscribed "Wildlife of the African Bushveld". Tortoise on one. This is one of three similar panes of six, issued on 18 Feb 00. | |
SC 2195 d | 7dal 18 Feb 00 Geochelone radiata Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Gambia 2195. Genus name is misspelled "Geochlune" on stamp. | |
SC 2942 | 25dal 04 Apr 05 Dermochelys coriacea Pane of four 25 dal stamps w/ a coastal plant or animal on each. Inscribed "The Living World of Africa, Along the Shoreline". | |
SC 2942 b | 25dal 04 Apr 05 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia #2942. | |
SC 3010 | 25d 24 Jan 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Sheet w/ four reptile and amphibian stamps drawn by children. Turtle on one. Inscribed "Kids-Did-It! Designs". | |
SC 3010 b | 25d 24 Jan 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Gambia #3010. Art work entitled "Sea Turtle" by Tyler Overton,, age 10. | |
SC 3207 | 25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtles Pane of four stamps, each depicting one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. | |
SC 3207 a | 25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Raphael. | |
SC 3207 b | 25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Leonardo. | |
SC 3207 c | 25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Michelangelo. | |
SC 3207 d | 25dal 29 Aug 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Donatello. | |
SC 3483 | D35 20 Feb 13 Various M/S titled Turtles containing African spurred tortoise, Aldabra giant tortoise, Leopard tortoise, Radiated tortoise | |
SC 3484 | D110 20 Feb 13 Pelomedusa subrufa M/S titled Turtles containing an African helmeted turtle | |
SC 3744 | D85 7 Jun 17 Glyptemys muhlenbergii One stamp in National Geographic set of 4 stamps. |