SC 301 | 12c Oct 1968 Geochelone denticulata | |
SC 534 | 12c 07 Feb 74 Geochelone denticulata This is Grenada Scott #301 o/p: "INDEPENDENCE / 7TH FEB 1974". | |
SC 694 | 2c 20 Jan 76 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 1132 | 5c 07 Dec 82 Cartoon Turtle | |
SC 1149 | $5.00 15 Feb 83 Unidentified Tortoise s/s w/ Raphael's painting "Creation of the Animals". Small, indistinct tortoise in corner. | |
SC 1192 | $2.00 19 Dec 83 Cartoon Turtle | |
SC 1192 a | $2.00 1984 Cartoon Turtle This is the same as Scott Grenada #1192 except it has the 5 Olympic Rings symbol along the bottom, between the words "Olympics" and "Los Angeles". | |
SC 2582 | $1.50 18 Sep 96 Three Sea Turtle Species M/S w/ six $1.50 stamps. Three depict whales and three depict sea turtles. The same three species of sea turtles that appear on the stamps, also appear in the margin of the sheet. The turtles are: Eretmochelys imbricata, Dermochelys coriacea, and Chelonia mydas. | |
SC 2582 d | $1.50 18 Sep 96 Eretmochelys imbricata Adult underwater. | |
SC 2582 e | $1.50 18 Sep 96 Dermochelys coriacea Adult underwater. | |
SC 2582 f | $1.50 18 Sep 96 Chelonia mydas Adult Underwater. | |
SC 2587 | $1 07 Nov 96 Eretmochelys imbricata s/s of nine se-tenant stamps forming a unified scene. Turtles on two of the stamps. One of two sheets, issued on the same date, inscribed "Sea Creatures". | |
SC 2587 e | $1 07 Nov 96 Eretmochelys imbricata Depicts anterior 1/3 of turtle; posterior 2/3 on Scott Grenada 2587f. | |
SC 2587 f | $1 07 Nov 96 Eretmochelys imbricata One of two stamps from Scott Grenada 2587, w/ two turtles on it. Turtles extend onto margin of sheet. | |
SC 2646 | $3.00 02 May 97 Chelonia mydas Front view, swimming underwater. From six value Marine Life set. | |
SC 2773 | 75c 19 Aug 98 Chelonia mydas Sheet of sixteen 75c values w/ turtle on one. Inscribed "International Year of the Ocean". | |
SC 2773 e | 75c 19 Aug 98 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Grenada 2773. | |
SC 2850 | 75c 12 Apr 99 Caretta caretta Sheetlet of twelve stamps w/ turtle on one. Issued for World Stamp Expo '99 in Australia. | |
SC 2850 j | 75c 12 Apr 99 Caretta caretta Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Grenada 2850. Turtle also extends onto 2850f and 2850k. | |
SC 2851 | 75c 12 Apr 99 Emydura kreffti Sheetlet of twelve stamps w/ turtle on one. Issued for World Stamp Expo '99 in Australia. | |
SC 2851 k | 75c 12 Apr 99 Emydura kreffti Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Grenada 2851. | |
SC 2965 | $1 08 Aug 00 Eretmochelys imbricata Tropical fish pane of nine $1 stamps. This is pane 1 of two panes issued at the same time. Turtle on one stamp only. | |
SC 2965 a | $1 08 Aug 00 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Grenada 2965. | |
SC 3088 | $1.50 01 Feb 01 Pokemon Character Turtle Sheet of six $1.50 stamps all depicting Pokemon characters. "Wartortle" is on one. Inscribed "Season's Greetings 2000" despite being issued in Feb. of 2001. | |
SC 3088 c | $1.50 01 Feb 01 Pokemon Character Turtle Single stamp w/ "Wartortle" from Grenada Scott #3088. Inscribed "#08". | |
SC 3496 | $2 10 Feb 05 Archelon sp. Sheet of four different $2 stamps. Archelon on one stamp and also on upper right margin of sheet. Sheet margin inscribed "Prehistoric Animals". | |
SC 3496 a | $2 10 Feb 05 Archelon sp. Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Grenada #3496. Turtle swimming directly toward viewer. Front flippers extend off of stamp onto selvedge. | |
SC 3641 | $6 18 Jun 07 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of one stamp issued for the 2007 Cricket World Cup. Large map of Caribbean Sea in center of sheet and flags of sixteen Caribbean nations in margins. Sheet inscribed in red: "The Caribbean welcomes the Cricket World Cup 2007". Small turtle on the Coat-of Arms which appears on the Cayman Is. flag. | |
SC 3732 | $2.50 21 Jul 09 Geochelone elephantopus? Pane of four $2.50 stamps, each showing the same photograph of Charles Darwin but w/ a different animal in upper right corner of each stamp. Issued for Charles Darwin's 200th birth anniversary. Tortoise looks very much like Geochelone carbonaria. | |
SC 3732 d | $2.50 21 Jul 09 Geochelone elephantopus? Individual stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Grenada #3732. Issued for Charles Darwin's 200th birth anniversary. Tortoise looks very much like Geochelone carbonaria. | |
SC 3950 | $3.25 20 Jan 14 Various M/s with four stamps showing Chelus fimbriata, Trachemys terrapen, Dermochelys coriacea and Lepidochelys kempii; Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas and Chelonoidis carbonaria in the selvedge. | |
SC 3951 | $9 20 Jan 14 Eretmochelys imbricata, Lepidochelys olivacea M/s with one stamp, Hawksbill on stamp, Olive Ridley in selvedge. | |
SC 4125 | $10 21 Dec 15 Unidentified turtles Painting of two turtles by Chinese artist Qi Baishi. | |
SC 4233 | $6 3 Apr 17 Mauremys caspica One stamp in Animals of the World set. | |
SC 4406 d | $5.50 17 Jun 2021 Chelonia mydas M/s of 4 stamps, turtle on one stamp | |
SC 4424 | $5 1 Dec 21 Chelonoidis carbonaria M/s of six stamps | |
SC 4425 | $14 1 Dec 21 Chelonoidis carbonaria M/s of one stamp |