

SC 449

3l Oct 1973 Geochelone elegans

SC 451

50l Oct 1973 Geochelone elegans

SC 823

1.30r 11 Nov 79 Tortoise Shell Jewelry

SC 841

1l 17 Feb 80 Dermochelys coriacea

SC 842

2l 17 Feb 80 Natator depressus

SC 843

5l 17 Feb 80 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 844

10l 17 Feb 80 Caretta caretta

SC 845

75l 17 Feb 80 Lepidochelys olivacea

SC 846

10r 17 Feb 80 Lepidochelys kempii

SC 847

4r 17 Feb 80 Chelonia mydas This is a s/s.

SC 897

90l 29 Dec 80 Lepidochelys olivacea

SC 1030

10r 21 Sep 84 Unidentified Sea Turtle

SC 1192

10r 22 Sep 86 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 1355

20r 17 Nov 89 Cartoon Tortoise s/s w/ a single stamp. It shows Mickey Mouse taking a picture of a tortoise. Issued for World Stamp Expo '89.

SC 1466

15l 11 Dec 90 Cartoon Tortoise Hare and Tortoise from fable.

SC 1667 A

20Rf 23 Mar 92 Unidentified Sea Turtle This is a s/s.

SC 1810

8Rf Jan 1993 Chelonia mydas "Earth Summit 92" stamp.

SC 2092

10Rf 22 Aug 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Strip of four different stamps, all depicting E. imbricata.

SC 2092 a

10Rf 22 Aug 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2092. Shows turtle crawling. Bears small WWF logo.

SC 2092 b

10Rf 22 Aug 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2092. Shows two turtles in water. Bears small WWF logo.

SC 2092 c

10Rf 22 Aug 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2092. Shows turtle emerging from water. Bears small WWF logo.

SC 2092 d

10Rf 22 Aug 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2092. Shows turtle swimming. Bears small WWF logo.

10Rf 22 Aug 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Sheet of twelve containing three copies each of four different stamps. (Three strips of Scott Maldives 2092 on one sheet). Sheet is footnoted by Scott, but no separate no. is assigned. All turtles depicted are hawksbills. Sheet is inscribed "World Wide Fund for Nature".

SC 2093

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Eight Different Species Sheet of eight stamps, each depicting a different species. See individual stamps for list of species.

SC 2093 a

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Geochelone sulcata Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2093 b

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Geochelone gigantea Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2093 c

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Caretta caretta Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2093 d

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Lepidochelys olivacea Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2093 e

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2093 f

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Chelonia mydas Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2093 g

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Lepidochelys kempii Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2093 h

3Rf 22 Aug 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp from Scott Maldives 2093.

SC 2094

25Rf 22 Aug 95 Chelonia mydas s/s w/ turtle in border as well as on stamp. Extensive notes in margin of sheet.

SC 2196 A

Various 1996? Eretmochelys imbricata Se-tenant strip of three stamps, each w/ a different painting of E. imbricata. Each stamp inscribed "Save the Turtles". Postally used examples of stamps from this strip exist on cover, postmarked 12 Nov 1996 but the issue date could have been sometime prior to that.

SC 2196 Ab

1Rf 1996? Eretmochelys imbricata Head of turtle facing left. Inscribed "Save the Turtles". A postally used example exists on cover, postmarked 12 Nov 1996 but the issue date could have been sometime prior to that.

SC 2196 Ac

7Rf 1996? Eretmochelys imbricata Ventral view of posterior half of turtle. Inscribed "Save the Turtles". Postally used examples of stamps from this set exist on cover, postmarked 12 Nov 1996 but the issue date could have been sometime prior to that.

SC 2196 Ad

8Rf 1996? Eretmochelys imbricata Two turtles swimming underwater. One swimming to right, the other swimming directly toward viewer. Inscribed "Save the Turtles". A postally used example exists on cover, postmarked 12 Nov 1996 but the issue date could have been sometime prior to that.

SC 2387

10Rf 26 Oct 99 Lepidochelys olivacea Adult on beach facing left. From Marine Environment Wildlife set.

SC 2388

5Rf 26 Oct 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Sheetlet of nine 5Rf values w/ a turtle on one. Inscribed "Nature Wonderland of the Maldives".

SC 2388 g

5Rf 26 Oct 99 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Maldives 2388.

SC 2389

5Rf 26 Oct 99 Chelonia mydas Sheetlet of nine 5Rf denoms w/ a turtle on one. Inscribed "Nature Wonderland of the Maldives".

SC 2389 b

5Rf 26 Oct 99 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Maldives 2389.

SC 2483

5rf 15 Nov 00 Chelonia mydas Pane 1 of three different panes of eight se-tenant stamps each, issued this date. Indian Ocean Marine Life.

SC 2483 c

5rf 15 Nov 00 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Maldives Scott #2483. Indian Ocean Marine Life.

SC 2684

7Rf 27 Jan 03 Unidentified Sea Turtle Sheet of six stamps depicting Popeye participating in summer sports. Sea turtle is half in selvedge and half on one of the stamps.

SC 2684 a

7Rf 27 Jan 03 Unidentified Sea Turtle Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Maldives #2684. Popeye diving into water. Anterior half of turtle is on this stamp, posterior half is in selvedge.

SC 2848

10Rf 15 Dec 04 Archelon sp. S/S of four 10Rf stamps. Archelon on one, Icthyosaurus, Macroplata, and Shonisaurus on other three. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Prehistoric Animals".

SC 2848 d

10Rf 15 Dec 04 Archelon sp. Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Maldives #2848.

SC 2872

Rf10 24 Jan 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Se-tenant sheet of four Rf10 stamps depicting fish. Half of the sheet is selvedge w/ a prominent sea turtle. No turtles on stamps. Inscribed "Kids-Did-It! Designs". Turtle art work entitled "Sea Turtle" by Tyler Overton, age 10.

SC 3005

15rf 22 Jun 10 L. olivacea & C. mydas Sheetlet of four stamps; two sea turtles, one snake and one lizard. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Reptiles of the Maldives".

SC 3005 a

15rf 22 Jun 10 Lepidochelys olivacea One adult swimming right. From Scott Maldives #3005.

SC 3005 d

15rf 22 Jun 10 Chelonia mydas One adult swimming left. From Scott Maldives #3005.

SC 3006

15rf 22 Jun 10 Caretta caretta gigas Sheetlet of two stamps w/ a lizard on one and a sea turtle on the other. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Reptiles of the Maldives".

SC 3006 b

15rf 22 Jun 10 Caretta caretta gigas One adult swimming left. From Scott Maldives #3006.

SC 3020

40 Rf 2012 Eretmochelys imbricata Set of 6 stamps commemorating 40 years of China-Maldives diplomatic relations. Hawksbill on one stamp.

SC 3020 e

40 Rf 2012 Eretmochelys imbricata Individual stamp from SC 3o20.

SC 3020 g

40 Rf 2012 Eretmochelys imbricata S/S of same 6 stamps as SC 3020

SC 3032

22 Rf 30 Sep 13 Four turtles Sheet of 4 labeled Turtles of the Indian Ocean, from the Fauna of the Indian Ocean series. They are labeled as Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata and Chelonia mydas.

SC 3041

70 Rf 30 Sep 13 Various turtles M/S labeled Turtles of the Indian Ocean, from the Fauna of the Indian Ocean series. Dermochelys coriacea is on the stamp, Natator depressus and Eretmochelys imbricata in the selvedge.

SC 3043

20 Rf 25 Oct 13 Chelonia mydas Sheet of four stamps one of which contains the Green turtle.

SC 3043 b

20 Rf 25 Oct 13 Chelonia mydas Individual stamp from SC 3043

SC 3053

60 Rf 25 Oct 13 Lepidochelys olivacea M/S containing one stamp with an eel on it. Olive Ridley turtle in the selvedge

SC 3146

20r 1 Apr 14 Dermochelys coriacea

SC 3156

60r 1 Apr 14 Caretta caretta

SC 3243

20r 14 Oct 14 Various Chelonoidis nigra, Chelonia mydas, Podocnemis expansa, Chelonia mydas

SC 3253

60r 14 Oct 14 Chelonia mydas

SC 3328

22r 28 Jan 15 Lepidochelys olivacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Chelonia mydas, Lissemys punctata

SC 3338

70r 28 Jan 15 Pangshura tecta

SC 3360

15r 1 Feb 15 Stylized turtle Small sylized turtle on one Resorts stamp

15MVR 2013 Eretmochelys imbricata Possibly from a set of definitives issued for use within the Maldives

SC 3428

20r 1 Jul 15 Chelonia mydas

SC 3460

70r 10 Aug 15 Lepidochelys kampii, Lepidochelys olivacea, Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas

SC 3470

22r 10 Aug 15 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 3511

Various  2 Dec 15 Unidentified Sea Turtle in selvedge

SC 3611

22r 23 May 16 Emydoidea blandingii, Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima, Chrysemys picta, Clemmys guttata

SC 3620

70r 23 May 16 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 3659

10R  13 Jun 16 Eretmochelys imbricata  Lhavayani Atoll from set of 20

SC 3701

60R  20 Jul 16  Caretta caretta  Turtle in the selvedge of m/s

SC 3767 e

5r 17 Oct 16 Chelonia mydas

SC 3781

22r 17 Nov 16 Dermochelys coriacea, Graptemys barbouri, Clemmys guttata, Caretta caretta

SC 3791

70r 17 Nov 16 Chelus fimriata

SC 3887

22r  17 May 17 Archelon  Extinct turtle on SC 3887 b.

SC 4001

20r  26 Sep 17 Macrochelys temminckii,  Eretmochelys imbricata, Deirochelys reticularia, Actinemys marmorata

SC 4010

60r  26 Sep 17 Clemmys guttata,

SC 4078 a

20r  10 May 18  Chelonia mydas

SC 4094

60r  10 May 18   Chelonia mydas misidentified as Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 4112

20r  17 May 18  Apalone spinifera, Trionyx ferox, Rafetus euphraticus, Pelodiscus sinensis

SC 4127

60r  17 May 18  Apalone ferox

SC 4137

15r  25 May 18  Eretmochelys imbricata