

SC 281

$1 08 Jun 72 Geochelone carbonaria

SC 1083

$1.50 28 Nov 03 Chelonia mydas Sheet of 6 stamps including a frog, lizard, crab, mongoose, marmoset, and turtle. Sheet inscribed "Animals of the Caribbean".

SC 1083 e

$1.50 28 Nov 03 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Montserrat #1083. Adult turtle swimming up and right.

SC 1170

$8 09 Mar 07 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of one stamp issued for the 2007 Cricket World Cup. Large map of Caribbean Sea in center of sheet and flags of sixteen Caribbean nations in margins. Sheet inscribed in red: "The Caribbean welcomes the Cricket World Cup 2007". Small turtle on the Coat-of-Arms which appears on the Cayman Is. flag.

SC 1191

$3.40 08 Aug 07 4 Species of Sea Turtles Sheetlet of four $3.40 stamps, each depicting a different species of sea turtle. Sheet inscribed "Turtles of Montserrat".

SC 1191 a

$3.40 08 Aug 07 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle swimming right and slightly up. From sheetlet of four.

SC 1191 b

$3.40 08 Aug 07 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming right and down. From sheetlet of four.

SC 1191 c

$3.40 08 Aug 07 Dermochelys coriacea Turtle swimming right and slightly down. From sheetlet of four.

SC 1191 d

$3.40 08 Aug 07 Caretta caretta Turtle swimming right. From sheetlet of four.

SC 1192

$7 08 Aug 07 Lepidochelys kempii S/S of one stamp showing turtle swimming right and down. Sheet inscribed "Turtles of Montserrat".

SC 1202

$2.25 03 Jul 08 Chelonia mydas S/S of six stamps depicting an elephant, an eagle, a tiger, sea turtles, a rhinoceros and a gorilla. Upper selvedge of sheet inscribed "Endangered Animals of the World". The stamp w/ turtles is inscribed "Eretmochelys imbricata" but they have now been identified by George Balazs as Green turtles, Chelonia mydas.

SC 1202 d

$2.25 03 Jul 08 Chelonia mydas Individual stamp w/ turtles from Scott Montserrat #1202. This stamp is inscribed "Eretmochelys imbricata" but they have now been identified by George Balazs as Green turtles, Chelonia mydas.

SC 1293

$3 26 Jun 12 Chelonia Mydas S/S of four $3 stamps titled Life in the Sea. Stamp on lower right shows Green Sea Turtle swimming left

SC 1293 d

$3 26 Jun 12 Chelonia Mydas Turtle from SC 1293

SC 1335

$2.75 23 Dec 13 Chelonoidis carbonaria M/S of four reptiles. Red-footed tortoise on one stamp.

SC 1359

$3.25 24 Mar 15 Dermochelys coriacea M/S with four stamps. All stamps with Leatherbacks.

SC 1360

$7.00 24 Mar 15 Dermochelys coriacea M/S with one stamp with Leatherback.

SC 1386

$3.50 23 Sep 16 Various Sea turtles - Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Lepidochelys olivacea, Lepidochelys kempii

SC 1387

$7 23 Sep 16 Erytmochelys imbricata Sea turtles