| |
SC 134 | 29c 14 Mar 91 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 135 | 29c 14 Mar 91 Chelonia mydas | |
| SC 135 a | 29 + 29c 14 Mar 91 E. imbricata & C. mydas Se-tenant pair of Scott Micronesia #134 and #135. |
SC 136 | 50c 14 Mar 91 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 137 | 50c 14 Mar 91 Dermochelys coriacea | |
SC 137 a | 50 + 50c 14 Mar 91 D. coriacea & E.imbricata Se-tenant pair of Scott Micronesia #136 and #137. | |
| SC 198 | 29c 12 Jul 94 D. coriacea & E.imbricata Se-tenant block of four, all of which are stamps on stamps. The turtles are depicted on Scott #137a, a se-tenant pair, which is, in turn, depicted on Scott #198c, one of this block of four. |
SC 198 c | 29c 12 Jul 94 D. coriacea & E.imbricata Stamp on stamp. The turtles are depicted on Scott #137a, a se-tenant pair, which is depicted on this stamp | |
SC 347 | 33c 24 May 99 Archelon sp. Sheet of twenty stamps w/ turtle on one. Issued for Earth Day 1999. | |
SC 347 r | 33c 24 May 99 Archelon sp. Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia 347. | |
SC 353 | $2.00 20 Jul 99 Unknown S/S Fishing by Torchlight, by Hokusai. Commemorates 150th anniversary of death of Hokusai. Small turtle in the stream. | |
$2.00 20 Jul 99 Unknown Single stamp from SC 353. | ||
SC 420 | 34c 27 Feb 01 Geochelone elephantopus "One Earth" sheetlet of six 34c denoms. Tortoise on one stamp only. Sheet inscribed "Making a Difference in the Future of Our World". | |
SC 420 b | 34c 27 Feb 01 Geochelone elephantopus Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Micronesia #420. Front view of tortoise. | |
| SC 445 | 60c 16 Jul 01 Lepidochelys olivacea Pane 1 of two panes of six se-tenant 60c stamps issued this date. Turtle, dolphin, shark, and 3 fish. Turtle on one stamp only. Inscribed in gold "Underwater Treasures of Micronesia". |
| SC 445 b | 60c 16 Jul 01 Lepidochelys olivacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #445. |
SC 446 | 60c 16 Jul 01 Caretta caretta Pane 2 of two panes of se-tenant 60c stamps issued his date. Turtle and 5 fish. Turtle on one stamp only. Inscribed in gold "Underwater Treasures of Micronesia". | |
SC 446 a | 60c 16 Jul 01 Caretta caretta Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #446. | |
SC 624 | $2.00 01 Nov 04 Caretta caretta Mini-sheet of one stamp. Head and front half of turtle's body on stamp, remainder in margin. Background consists of many hatchling sea turtles. Inscribed "Reptiles of the Pacific". | |
SC 849 | 22c 04 Sep 09 Eretmochelys imbricata One individual swimming right, underwater w/ front flippers in raised position. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set. | |
| SC 850 | 88c 04 Sep 09 Natator depressus One individual, facing right, on beach at water's edge. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set. |
SC 851 | 95c 04 Sep 09 Caretta caretta One individual facing three-quarters left, swimming underwater w/ foreflippers extended laterally. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set. | |
| SC 852 | $2.80 04 Sep 09 Chelonia mydas One individual on beach, facing right. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set. |
| SC 853 | 98c 04 Sep 09 Sea Turtles; Five Species Sheet of four 98c stamps w/ a different turtle on each plus another species in sheet margin. Right margin of sheet inscribed "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean". |
| SC 853 a | 98c 04 Sep 09 Lepidochelys kempi One individual swimming right, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853. |
SC 853 b | 98c 04 Sep 09 Dermochelys coriacea Semi-dorsal view of one individual swimming right, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853. | |
| SC 853 c | 98c 04 Sep 09 Caretta caretta One individual swimming right and slightly upward, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853. |
SC 853 d | 98c 04 Sep 09 Lepidochelys olivacea One individual swimming three-quarters right, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853. | |
SC 854 | $1.56 04 Sep 09 Sea Turtles; Two Species Sheet of two $1.56 stamps w/ a sea turtle on each. Left margin of sheet inscribed "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean". | |
| SC 854 a | $1.56 04 Sep 09 Chelonia mydas Semi-ventral view of one individual facing viewer w/ fore flippers pointing downward. From Scott Micronesia #854. |
SC 854 b | $1.56 04 Sep 09 Eretmochelys imbricata One individual swimming left and up w/ fore flippers pointing up. From Scott Micronesia #854. | |
| SC 938 | 50c 14 Jul 11 Ocadia sinensis S/S of five 50c stamps depicting four lizards and one freshwater turtle: Ocadia (Mauremys) sinensis. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Reptiles of Micronesia" in large letters. |
| SC 938 a | 50c 14 Jul 11 Ocadia sinensis Turtle on land, facing left, w/ anterior part of body elevated. The word "Reptiles" in large letters in background. Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #938. |
SC 939 | $1.25 14 Jul 11 Chelonia mydas S/S of two stamps. One w/ a skink and one w/ a Green Turtle. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Reptiles of Micronesia". | |
SC 939 b | $1.25 14 Jul 11 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming to right w/ large word "Reptiles" in the background. Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #939. | |
SC 980 | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Various S/S titled Turtles of the Pacific Ocean Endangered Species containing four stamps, one with a Hawksbill, one with a Leatherback, one with a Green and one with an Olive Ridley. | |
SC 980 a | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle from SC 980 | |
SC 980 b | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Dermochelys coriacea Turtle from SC 980 | |
SC 980 c | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Chelonia mydas Turtle from SC 980 | |
SC 980 d | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Lepidochelys olivacea Turtle from SC 980 | |
SC 981 | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Various S/S titled Turtles of Micronesia Endangered Species containing two stamps, one with a Loggerhead and one with a Flatback. | |
SC 981 a | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Caretta caretta Turtle from SC 981 | |
| SC 981 b | 1.25 27 Jun 12 Natator depressus Turtle from SC 981 |
| SC 1149 | 5¢ 1 Apr 15 Chelonia mydas Single stamp from set of 5 Marine Life stamps |