

SC 1066

150r 24 Nov 79 Dermochelys coriacea

SC 1066 A

200r 24 Nov 79 Dermochelys coriacea This is a s/s w/ a different value than Indonesia #1066.

SC 1079

150r 02 May 80 Carved Stone Turtle

SC 1080

200r 02 May 80 Carved Stone Turtle This is a sheet of 8 different stamps w/ two Indonesia #1080d's on it.

SC 1080 d

200r 02 May 80 Carved Stone Turtle This is a single stamp from Indonesia #1080.

SC 1948

1000rp 05 Jun 01 Eretmochelys imbricata Child swimming w/ turtle. Ecophila logo in upper right corner. From "Environmental Care" set.

SC 1948 a

1000rp 05 Jun 01 Eretmochelys imbricata Tete-beche pair of two Scott Indonesia #1948.

SC 2055

1500r 20 Feb 04 Unidentified Sea Turtles Se-tenant sheet of twenty different stamps, all w/ a denom. of 1500. One stamp depicts small sea turtles on beach. Bottom selvedge inscribed "Indonesian Folktales".

SC 2055 h

1500r 20 Feb 04 Unidentified Sea Turtles Single stamp w/ turtles from Scott Indonesia #2055. Five turtles; one on land, four in shallow water at shoreline. Turtles are a strange bluish-purple color.

SC 2061

1,500rp 05 Jun 04 Unidentified Sea Turtle Vertical se-tenant pair of 1,500rp stamps w/ turtle and shark on one. "Environmental Care" issue.

SC 2061 b

1,500rp 05 Jun 04 Unidentified Sea TUrtle Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Indonesia #2061. "Environmental Care" issue.

SC 2062

2,500rp 05 Jun 04 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S w/ two 2,500rp stamps. Stamps have same designs as those on Scott Indonesia #2061 but the denoms are different. "Environmental Care" issue.

SC 2062 b

2,500rp 05 Jun 04 Unidentified Sea Turtle Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Indonesia #2062. "Environmental Care" issue.

SC 2183

5000rp 11 May 09 Chelonia mydas S/S of one stamp w/ turtle swimming to left. Anterior half of turtle on stamp, posterior half in sheet margin. "WOC" monogram in upper right corner of sheet w/ "World Ocean Conference" inscribed below it in small print.

SC 2248

1500 24 Oct 10 Four Sea Turtle Species Any strip or block of four containing one each of Scott Indonesia 2248a-2248d from sheet of sixteen stamps (Scott Indonesia #2248 var.).

SC 2248 a

1500 24 Oct 10 Lepidochelys olivacea One individual swimming slightly toward viewer's right. Small line drawing of dorsal view of turtle in right margin of stamp.

SC 2248 b

1500 24 Oct 10 Chelonia mydas One individual swimming left. Small line drawing of dorsal view of turtle in right margin of stamp.

SC 2248 c

1500 24 Oct 10 Dermochelys coriacea One individual swimming left. Small line drawing of dorsal view of turtle in right margin of stamp.

SC 2248 d

1500 24 Oct 10 Eretmochelys imbricata One individual swimming left and down. Small line drawing of dorsal view of turtle in right margin of stamp.

SC 2248 var.

1500 24 Oct 10 Four Sea Turtle Species S/S w/ four each of four different stamps, each w/ a different sea turtle. Each stamp has a realistic color picture of the turtle plus a line drawing of a dorsal view of the same turtle in the right margin. Any strip or block of four from this sheet is Scott Indonesia #2248 but the entire sheet has not been assigned a separate number. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Kehidupan Bawah Laut" and "Marine Life". WWF symbol on each stamp. Right margin of sheet w/ four tiny turtle silhouettes in blue, red, yellow and black.

SC 2342

3000r 09 Mar 13 Wooden tortoise Musical instrument in the shape of a tortoise.

SC 2344 a

3000r 09 Mar 13 Wooden tortoise Sheet of 11 musical instrument stamps. Musical instrument in the shape of a tortoise.

SC 2346

2500r 01 May 13 Tiny turtle Strip of 3 issued on 50th anniversary of West Irian. Tiny turtle near top of 2346b.

SC 2395 a

3000r 5 Nov 14 Eretmochelys imbricata Pair 2395 a-b. Hawksbill turtle facing left.

SC 2396

5000r 5 Nov 14 Eretmochelys imbricata M/S with hawksbill turtle facing left. Two (or three) variations of this S/S exist, one with imperf stamp.

SC 2396

5000r 5 Nov 14 Eretmochelys imbricata M/S with hawksbill turtle facing left. Two (or three) variations of this S/S exist, one with imperf stamp.

SC 2440 a

3000r 1 Jan 16 Chelonia mydas Wonderful Indonesia block of four stamps. Turtle on one stamp.

SC B 206

6r + 1r 20 Dec 66 Eretmochelys imbricata The turtle is incorrectly identified on the stamp as Chelonia mydas.