Burkina Faso


SC 701

150fr 20 Jun 85 Kinixys erosa

SC 1010

150fr 1995 Stylized Tortoise Scene from movie "Rabi" w/ two actors and turtle. Commemorates 100th Anniv. of the cinema.

SC 1010 a

150fr 1995 Stylized Tortoise s/s containing one Scott Burkino Faso #1010. Besides the tortoise on the stamp, the selvedge depicts a boy holding a turtle that may be a young sea turtle. Scott formerly listed this sheet as #1010a but they now list it as a footnote to #1010. There is no longer a #1010a.

SC 1021

1500f 1995 Geochelone sulcata Imperf. sheets have a line drawing of a turtle in selvedge in addition to turtle on stamp. Tortoise ID not 100% certain.

150fr 1995 Stylized Tortoise s/s w/ Burkina Faso Scott 1010 on it. Additional stylized tortoise in border.