

SC 509

1um 21 Dec 81 Dermochelys coriacea

SC 510

3um 21 Dec 81 Chelonia mydas

SC 511

4um 21 Dec 81 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 743

50um 05 Nov 00 Chelonia mydas Strip of three w/ coelacanth, octopus, and turtle. Stamp w/ turtle is identical to stamp on unlisted s/s except that this stamp has a white border.

SC 743 a

50um 05 Nov 00 Chelonia mydas Single stamp with turtle from Scott Mauritania #743. Identical to stamp on unlisted s/s except that this stamp has a white border.

50um 05 Nov 00 Chelonia mydas "Collector's Souvenir Sheet" issued in conjunction w/ Scott Mauritania #743. Upper selvedge depicts manatee, crab and lobster-like crustacean. Stamp w/ turtle is identical to stamp from Scott Mauritania #743 except that this stamp has a blue border.

50um 05 Nov 00 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from unlisted "Collector's s/s. Identical to single stamp from Scott Mauritania #743 except that this stamp has a blue border.

SC 809

440um 2009 Chelonia mydas Close up of anterior half of turtle facing right. Inscribed "Tortue de mer" plus writing in Arabic.